Miriam Lanham

Speech Pathologist, CPSP, MPSP


As the Director of Bambini Allied Health, I am passionate to see all of our clients whether they are children, adolescents or adults on the Sunshine Coast have an opportunity to communicate with their families, teachers, peers, and significant others in their world. I believe communication is a basic human right and that it is not confined just to verbal words. With this vision, I endeavour to provide high-quality services to children and their families that are focused on the child’s interests and are tailored to their individual needs.

I believe that all significant people in the child’s world have a pivotal role to play in advocating for their right to be able to communicate. Therefore, I work closely with families, carers, and teachers to develop family centred goals and realistic outcomes. I believe in celebrating all successes no matter how big or small and seek to help my clients read their maximum potential as they achieve the best possible communication outcomes!