Where to find us.
Clinic Services
Bli Bli
Bli Bli Shopping Village
Shop 110 / 310 David Low Way
Bli Bli
Monday–Friday 8am–5pm
(07) 5448 4159
The Edge East
Shop 3, 10-24 Lake Kawana Blvd
Birtinya, Qld, 4575
Monday–Friday 8am–5pm
(07) 5448 4159
Mobile services
Bambini Allied Health mobile service has been developed should you require or prefer that we come to you. This service allows therapy to be provided in the comfort of your own home.
Our mobile service covers various locations on the Sunshine Coast including:
Sippy Downs
Bli Bli
Peregian Springs
Noosa and their surrounding areas.
Brisbane North
Please contact us to find out if we are able to come to you. Our mobile service has proven to be very beneficial to parents with busy family schedules and for children with disabilities.
School / Kindergarten / Childcare Services
We provide therapy in selected schools, kindergartens and childcare settings. We are able to visit schools upon request, meet with teachers and assist with the formulation of Individual Education Plans and implementation of classroom strategies. This is of great benefit to the children as it provides liaison with classroom teachers and learning support staff who are the key people involved in the child’s literacy development. Bambini Allied Health also provides screening assessments at your school, kindergarten or childcare centre. School visits are convenient for busy families who may find it difficult to attend a speech pathology clinic with their children.
Our staff are equipped to provide training sessions for early childhood and teaching staff. Speech Therapy sessions may include information about typical speech and language development and feeding milestones and how to detect when to refer a child to a Speech Pathologist. The training sessions provide strategies that teaching staff can use to enhance and enrich the speech and language skills of the children they teach. Occupational Therapy
Please contact us to find out more about the specific training programs that we offer.
Bambini Allied Health are committed to attending information evenings for those schools, kindergarten and childcare centres that express an interest. Our information stalls include a range of resources on display, speech and communication milestones and information about group and individual programs that we offer. We have pamphlets and business cards outlining the services that we offer, so be sure to collect yours today.
Aged-Care / Residential Care / Home Visits
We provide therapy in selected aged care, residential care and home settings. We are able to visit these locations upon request, meet with families and assist with the formulation of safe at-home plans regarding speech and occupational therapy strategies. This is of great benefit for adults as it provides liaison with necessary stakeholders who are involved in the adult’s life. Aged-care, residential and home visits are convenient for busy families or for individuals who may find it difficult to attend therapy clinics.
At Bambini Allied Health, we are committed to attending information evenings for those in aged care and residential care settings that express an interest. Our information stalls include a range of resources on display, speech, AAC, low-tech OT aids and information about individual programs and services that we offer. We have pamphlets and business cards outlining the services that we offer, so be sure to collect yours today.
Tele-Health Services
Bambini Allied Health are able to provide services through the use of modern technology. Telehealth is provided via Zoom and is real-time video and audio. Our staff also use Zoom’s features such as screen sharing, use of whiteboard and screen mirroring to further enhance the therapy experience and generalisation of skills. Those families who are interested in accessing the Tele-Health service will need to have access to a computer with an internet connection, a webcam, and an audio headset.
Telehealth is suitable for screening for speech and language delays and/or disorders and for general therapy.
It is designed specifically for children and/or adults who live in rural and remote communities that have difficulty accessing our mobile and/or clinic-based services. This service can also be used to provide a helping hand to schools by linking in with Teachers and Teacher Aide to provide in-class support.