Early Childhood

How Can OT’s Assist in Early Childhood?

Developmental Milestones

Understanding developmental age compared to chronological age along the milestones. Development means that children are able to grow up where their social, emotional, and educational needs are met

Play Skills

Play skills enable children to explore, imagine and use their decision-making skills within play scenarios. Play is such an important aspect of childhood development and is often described as the children’s ‘work/productivity’. While playing is incredibly enjoyable for children, the skills and lessons they learn, translate as they develop from infancy to adolescence.

Transitioning to Prep

It can be difficult to adjust to the prep environment, but our team of occupational therapists can help with the skills required to make the transition easier by reducing potential obstacles kids may experience. We can assist in the development of skills like; shape recognition, pencil grip, learning to use scissors, following multi-step instructions (2-3), and playing with peers. These goals can be achieved via individual therapy or through group sessions.