Assessment, Interventions and Reports

Occupational Therapists assess for developmental delays, sensory processing difficulties, visual motor, fine motor, and gross motor skills, and much more.

Formal Assessments provided at Bambini Allied health

  • Beery VMI (Visual Motor Integration, Visual Perception, Motor coordination)


  • M-FUN

  • WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS)

  • Sensory Profile 2

  • Vineland-3

  • DAYC-2

Interventions Occupational Therapists use include:

  • DIR Floortime

  • SOS Approach to Feeding program.

  • My Teachers Pet Creature

  • Lego-Based Therapy

  • Sleep programs

  • Behaviour Support Programs

  • Activities of Daily Living support

  • Child-led approach

  • Social Skills

  • Supporting people with ASD & their families

  • Talking Toileting

  • Implementing Sensory Diets

Informal Assessments Occupational Therapists complete include:

  • Gross motor skills

  • Fine motor skills

  • Visual perceptual/motor skills

  • Overall strength and stability

  • Handwriting

  • Emotional regulation

  • Executive functioning (attention, planning, sequencing, etc)

  • Sensory difficulties

  • Social-emotional skills

  • Parent/caregiver/teacher education - Use of assistive technology

  • Kindy and Prep Screeners

Reports our Occupational Therapists can write to further support your children include:

  • NDIS Review Report

  • NDIS supporting letter

  • NDIS Progress Report

  • NIDS Assistive Technology Request Report

  • School Reports

  • Bushkids Letter of Support

  • Letter to the GP

  • Review report for a Paediatrician